Implementation via Information Design in Binary-Action Supermodular Games

Stephen Morris
Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Daisuke Oyama
Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo


Satoru Takahashi
Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo
Department of Economics, National University of Singapore

What outcomes can be implemented by the choice of an information structure in binary-action supermodular games? An outcome is partially implementable if it satisfies obedience (Bergemann and Morris (2016)). We characterize when an outcome is smallest equilibrium implementable (induced by the smallest equilibrium). Smallest equilibrium implementation requires a stronger sequential obedience condition: there is a stochastic ordering of players under which players are prepared to switch to the high action even if they think only those before them will switch. We then characterize the optimal outcome induced by an information designer who prefers the high action to be played, but anticipates that the worst (hence smallest) equilibrium will be played. In a potential game, under convexity assumptions on the potential and the designer's objective, it is optimal to choose an outcome where actions are perfectly coordinated (all players choose the same action), with the high action played on the largest event where that action profile maximizes the average potential. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: C72, D82.
Key Words: Information design, supermodular game, smallest equilibrium implementation, sequential obedience, potential game.

Forthcoming in Econometrica.
This version: January 15, 2024. PDF file